The Awakening is here…

An 11-year old dream came true today. The Awakening, my first novel, and Desteptarea, its Romanian translation, are both available for purchase as paperback and e-book. Hardback to come.

The Awakening (Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9998380-0-6):

Desteptarea (Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9998380-1-3):

The Awakening (Kindle):

The Awakening (Ebook ISBN: 978-0-9998380-2-0):

Desteptarea (Ebook ISBN: 978-0-9998380-3-7):


This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of my wife, Cristina, who was my first reader and critic.

Thanks to my friend, Nicholas Rossman, who encouraged me to put my ideas on paper.

Also thanks to my sister, Anca Elena Cristea, who helped me translate and edit this book in Romanian.

Finally, thanks to my parents, Niculae and Niculina Ionita, who always encouraged me to read and dream.


Thanks to my editors, Cristina Ionita, Rob Bignell, Lee Burton, Swati Hegde, Rachel Krause (for the English version) and Cristina Ionita, Anca Elena Cristea (for the Romanian translation).

Thanks to my translators from English, Madalina Carp and Gabriel Essi.

Thanks to Dino Buljubasic who designed an amazing-looking cover.

Thanks to my daughter, Anna Sophie Ionita, whose painting inspired the cover illustration. Thanks also to the talented designers who worked to finalize the illustration: Otilia Andrei, Ioana Cecalasan, and Dino Buljubasic.

Please email me at if you want to receive a free digital copy of the novel.

Please help me by reviewing the novels on Amazon.

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2 thoughts on “The Awakening is here…”

  1. Ideea cartii mi se pare incredibila si desi e o ficțiune totul pare foarte real si plauzibil in foarte multe dintre momentele actiunii. Am fost atat de captivata de poveste incat nu m-am putut desprinde de carte pana nu am terminat-o si apoi mi-a parut rau ca s-a terminat! Astept cu nerăbdare sa vad ce se mai intampla!!!! Cand e gata volumul al doilea?


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